School Based Youth Health Nurse provides:
- Confidential individual health consultations which include the provision of advice and health information; referring to other services where appropriate
- Assisting with delivery of health-related curriculum; including Puberty, Sexual Education and Health promotion activities
- A service that is appropriate, flexible, adaptable to meet the changing and complex needs of young people, their families and the school community
- Advocating health promotion for young people to support positive health outcomes
- Health issues effecting young people (basic information giving; where to access further information); including relevant information regarding; sexual and reproductive health, alcohol and other drugs, tobacco and smoking cessation, mental health including resilience building, managing stress, suicide and self-harm, eating disorders, growth and physical development.
- Facilitate and liaise with State School Registered Nursing service to assist with developing individual health plans for all students with medical conditions.
Our School Nurse is Jade Wood. Jade visits Malanda High each Monday and Thursday. You can drop in and see her before school, during break times or make an appointment at the school administration office. If you ever need a quiet place to hang out and chat head over to the A25 and say hello!

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